For The Love Of Faux Leather
I know I’m not the only person who has a love for faux leather. It just looks so good! Every…
How to Sew With Lace: 8 Tips
Tips for sewing lace fabric Learn how to sew with lace fabric so you can use it in any project…
The Woes Of Travel
Traveling. Isn’t it so fun?! Oh wait. No. No it’s not. Destinations are fun! But I think I would…
When it all just goes wrong
I have a wedding to attend this week and of course I had to sew up an outfit for…
Mothers Day
Mother’s Day Fortune has smiled on me in my life and blessed me with two wonderful women that I get…
I Almost Scrapped a Gorgeous Piece
SNAP! My twin needle shattered as I sat sewing at my machine. The fear of little shards of metal…
Grieving and Passion
I’ve always had an interest in sewing. In fact, I’ve sewn small projects on and off for a couple years.…